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Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Sebuah Monolog: Saya Versus Kafein

Bandel. Udah tau kafein bisa bikin kamu sakit.

Apa boleh buat. Saya ngantuk. Semalem bagadang.



Apa ada faedahnya?

Ada. Saya merasa lebih bijak dan dewasa dari sebelumnya.

Halah. Teori dari mana tuh?

Dari para sopir taxi.*)

Ya silakan saja kamu berteori dan lihat akibatnya sekarang; mual, gemetar, jantung berdetak lebih cepat...


Lalu tadi kamu sempat murungkut kan? Menggigil. Gejala lemah jantung atau apa.


Tugas bikin cerita 20 halamannya semakin tertunda.


Lalu.. lalu..!! Lalu kenapa kamu ga pernah mau berenti minum kafein?

Karena rasa sakit yang mereka tawarkan justru membuat saya ketagihan.

No way.


Kamu gila!

Sebuah pujian.



Aah.. sudahlah!

Ya sudah. Lagipula saya mau tidur.

Jangan dulu! Tugas 20 halamannya bagaimana?

Nanti saya kerjakan.


Besok saja. Atau mungkin lusa. Saya benar-benar ingin tidur.


Bandung, di kamar lagi stuck ide, 19 oktober 2010 jam 7:35 malam.

*)  Pernah diungkapkan oleh Seno Gumira Ajidarma, dalam Seni dan Air Seni Sopir Taxi.

Monday, 18 October 2010

A Lonely Looney

I saw the little girl walking through the way in almost everyday. Her name was Looney. She walked alone, just hold a little teddy bear in her right hand—and I just realized that she never ever hold her teddy bear in her left—always in her right one.

Someday, I
—as A Street Light Pole—asked her where she's going.

"I'm looking for my friends, Mr. Street-Light-Pole", she answered.

My friend of mine, Mr. Wooden Bridge, feeling interested to join our chat.

"So where are your friends by the way? Why didn't they come with you? Why do you always walk alone?” The Wooden Bridge asked sadly.

She didn't answer directly, she look like wondering the answer. And then...

"I'm looking for my friends", she answered that thing again, seemed she didn't listen to Wooden Bridge's question

Ooo.. You're kind of a pity little girl", I mumbled. "You must be very very lonely
, aren’t you? We can be your friends, we can have a chit chat. So you won’t feel lonely anymore", I offered a good proposal.

Then her face turns into more unhappy.

"Can you dance? Can you read a book or eat a bowl of meatball with me? I'm so glad if you can". Her eyes are fulfill
ed of a thousand hopes.

"Err.. Well, we're just The Street Light Pole and A Wooden Bridge, aren't we? So why do you suppose us to do that?" I asked carefully, worried to make her more unhappy.

She didn't answer, so I continue talking.

"We have been standing here along time ago and it's gonna be till the rest of our life. We are The Street Light Pole have a duty to give a light to the lost people like you. And Mr. Wooden Bridge will bring you from one world to the another world." I explained to her. She's trying to understand what I was talking about.

"Give a light to the lost people?", she replied slowly. Are there a lot people who lost on this way right now? Does it mean I'm not the only one who always walk on here?"

"Yes, you are not the only one. I replied shortly.

"So why I can't see them, then?!", she demanded more answer from me.

I quiet for a while. Don't know what to say a complicated thing to that a little girl.

Yeah. We have been here so long, a long long time ago before the century's begun. There were a lot of lost people coming through this way. They're just walking round and round on the same place, on the same path, and asking the same question just like the little girl did. But they seemed can’t remember that they already did the same thing before and got the same answered for each and everytime.

They are the lost people. And the only way helps them out of this way is…..

"Why?" The little girl interrupted my thought. "Why can't I see them? Why do I just see myself who
still walking on this strange way?"

Again, I quiet for a while. Wondering what the best question is for her.

"Because it's a loneliness path, my dearest little girl", I replied at last.

A time passed by. The little girl still walking round and round on this way, with a little teddy bear in her right hand. And if you asked to her what she’s doing, she would answer:

“I’m looking for my friends, Mr. Street Light Pole”.


Bandung, Monday raining
18 OCT 10 | 16:15
-In the Office-